An email is automatically generated using Make (formerly Integromat) and sent to the Community Risk Reduction Division for review and action. A record is also generated within Survey123, and form attachments are uploaded to other SFD systems, including ESO and a secure server.
","tags":["Survey123","Solar","BESS","PV","Permit","CRR","Application","Form","Community Risk Reduction","Survery","Battery","Photovoltaic"],"snippet":"Permit Application for Solar Power and Battery Storage Systems","thumbnail":"thumbnail/Solar_Thumbnail.jpg","documentation":null,"extent":[],"categories":["/Categories/Community Risk Reduction","/Categories/Admin","/Categories/Surveys"],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":"Sedona Fire District, Community Risk Reduction Division","classification":null,"licenseInfo":"This application was created for public use by the Sedona Fire District. The form serves as a permit application for solar power and battery storage systems, and submittal generates records in SFD's online systems and an automated email to divisional staff from which the application will be reviewed and responded to. There should be no expectation of privacy in using this system.
Data generated through this form is intended for internal SFD purposes only and will be reviewed. Data are not considered suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users should independently research and verify all information being input before submitting.
For any additional information, please contact the Community Risk Reduction Division at SFD at or (928) 282-6800.