By adding a record either of your own property or a property that has identified itself through signage you are helping to map the project area and support the creation of strategies to conserve the beauty and diversity of the Granite Belt in general.
","tags":["Survey123","ReadytoAdapt","GBSAN","SDRC"],"snippet":"Granite Belt Sustainability Action Network is working with local landowners and businesses to support biodiversity conservation in the Southern Downs Region. Help us to map wildlife conscious landowners and save our species from extinction.","thumbnail":"thumbnail/thumbnail1717626922796.png","documentation":null,"extent":[],"categories":[],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":"Ready to Adapt Environmental Services. ","licenseInfo":"The information collected in this form is for the sole purpose of mapping wildlife friendly landowners that have self identified via using the form or through roadside signage. Data is collected to inform future work on Granite Landscape Linkages Project and assist with funding applications. Data is not shared or stored where it can be accessed by the general public or other actors.
This project is owned by Granite Belt Sustainability Action Network and in collaboration with Ready to Adapt Environmental Services. Please contact Geraldine on 0427 508 749 for further information related to the project and Kym on 0416 458 509 for information related to the technology and database maintenance.
Copyright 2024 Ready to Adapt Environmental Services