","tags":["FL","Florida","FDOT","GIS","Satisfaction","Customer"],"snippet":"This is a survey form used by the FDOT GIS Office to gauge customer satisfaction with regards to this office’s products and services.","thumbnail":"thumbnail/thumbnail1647614072492.png","documentation":null,"extent":[[-87.8308,24.32],[-79.569,31.178]],"categories":[],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":"Florida Department of Transportation, Civil Integrated Management, GIS Office ","classification":null,"licenseInfo":"
Internal use only, and update abilities limited to Back to Office Editors group.
NO WARRANTIES: This data is made available by the Florida Department of Transportation on an "as is", "as available" basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied. This data is for reference purposes only and is not to be construed as a legal document or survey instrument. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: The user of this data assumes all responsibility and risk for its use. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall the Florida Department of Transportation, or its employees be liable for any DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY or CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, or LOST PROFITS that result from the use, misuse or inability to use this data. Nor shall the Florida Department of Transportation, or its employees be liable for any damages resulting from or related to reliance; mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, computer viruses, errors, defects, or any failure of performance, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to this data.