You need to be over the age of 18 to register for the Geomentoring Program.
The\n Geomentoring Program is established by Eagle Technology to create a \nconnection between schools and GIS Professionals who volunteer to help \nstudents as Geomentors.
Eagle Technology will display your first \nname, company name and company location on a map that will be available \nto the public on the Eagle Technology website.
Eagle Technology \nwill share all the information you submit e.g. full name, location, \ncontact details, with at least one school in the vicinity of your \ncompany address OR the school you specify.
If you would like to \nparticipate in the Geomentoring Program but do not want the provided \ninformation illustrated in a map on the Eagle Technology website, please\n do not complete this registration and contact to find out other ways you can register.
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