From grassroots beginnings in the 1980s and the founding of the Wingspan Charitable Trust in 1992, Wingspan is now recognised as New Zealand’s leading conservation, education and research organisation for birds of prey.
Wingspan Bird of Prey Centre was established in Rotorua in 2002.
At Wingspan’s core is a commitment to the conservation of the threatened ‘kārearea’ New Zealand falcon. Being part of New Zealand’s unique natural heritage, falcons are a taonga (treasured) species to tangata whenua (Māori, people of the land).
Wingspan supports wild populations directly by releasing captive bred falcons and rehabilitating injured wild birds. Through research and advocacy, Wingspan also supports long-term sustainable conservation action by identifying the reasons for the decline in wild populations and promoting action to reverse this.
The Wingspan National Bird of Prey Centre is a place where people can visit and see birds of prey up close during interactive flying displays, hosted by the country’s leading experts. The displays showcase the spectacular flying skills of these amazing birds and are a unique educational experience enjoyed by children and adults alike.
","tags":["Wingspan","National Bird of Prey Centre","Falcon","NZ Falcon","NZ"],"snippet":"Although the New Zealand falcon is classified as a threatened species, the distribution of this spectacular bird is still not fully understood. Help us understand more about these wonderful birds and report any New Zealand falcons you see by using the Survey123 form. Please include date observed, location with GPS reference, number of birds seen, activity of birds, e.g. hunting, vocalising, dive-bombing, and a description of the bird. Also send photos of the bird you saw where possible. People often confuse falcons and harriers. One key difference is that falcons defend their nests vigorously during the breeding season, striking intruders around the head and uttering a loud ‘kek kek kek’ call.","thumbnail":"thumbnail/WingspanLogo.jpg","documentation":null,"extent":[],"categories":[],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":"National Bird of Prey Centre, NZ GiS in Conservation","classification":null,"licenseInfo":"Copyright National Bird of Prey Centre","culture":"en-nz","properties":{"connectVersion":"3.18.123"},"advancedSettings":null,"url":null,"proxyFilter":null,"access":"public","size":1042727,"subInfo":0,"appCategories":[],"industries":[],"languages":[],"largeThumbnail":null,"banner":null,"screenshots":[],"listed":false,"commentsEnabled":true,"numComments":0,"numRatings":0,"avgRating":0,"numViews":13,"scoreCompleteness":100,"groupDesignations":null,"apiToken1ExpirationDate":-1,"apiToken2ExpirationDate":-1,"lastViewed":1721797200000},"appId":"830f34e9454d4847825e213738f64824","portalUrl":"","ssr":{}}