email address or preferred other contact information:
phone number (optional):
Band Information
\nDoes the band above the knee have an obvious color and/or alphanumeric code or does it just look like a blank gun-metal colored band? If it is the later skip to the location information.
\nWhich leg was the alphanumeric band on: L, R, Don’t recall
\nType of alphanumeric band: Metal (has a riveted flange), Plastic (perfectly cylindrical with no flange) or unsure of type
\nBand color: Black, Red, Yellow, White, Blue, Gray,
Can you read the 2 or 3 digit alphanumeric code: Yes, no
lettering position: Vertical (one letter stacked on top of the other) or horizontal (letters arranged side by side like when being written on a page)
What is the alphanumeric code:
Location Information
Date and time of sighting (approximate time is fine)
county of sighting (e.g. Sarasota)
where located (as specific as possible; for example “Myakka river state park” is helpful, “100 yards NE of second bridge on the main road in Myakka River State Park “ is more helpful):
coordinates (from google earth or other mapping service):
Do you have a picture of the bird and/or the band: Y, N (please send a copy to