click the binoculars to enter your address.
\n\nRequest a defensible space inspection for your property.
What happens after I submit the form?
By completing this form, you will be submitting your request for a PRC 4291\ncompliance inspection to be conducted at the address you list below. You will\nreceive a confirmation email after submittal and a follow up phone call or\nemail from your local Defensible Space Inspector to schedule your inspection.
When should I submit the request?
A copy of the completed inspection report that shows proof the property has\nbeen inspected, and has passed that inspection, within six (6) months prior to\nentering into a sales contract.
What if my property does not pass the inspection?
If your property does not pass on the first attempt, the inspector will explain\nwhat work needs to be completed and schedule another appointment at a later\ndate. If the property will not meet compliance with PRC 4291 standards or a\nlocal vegetation management ordinance, the seller and the buyer shall enter\ninto a written agreement pursuant to which the buyer agrees to obtain\ndocumentation of compliance within one year after closing escrow.
</center>","tags":["DSpace Requests","DSpace","CAL FIRE","OSFM","Office of the State Fire Marshal"],"snippet":"Use this application to request a Defensible Space inspection. This app was developed to support the requirements in AB-38.","thumbnail":"thumbnail/thumbnail1720024258191.png","documentation":null,"extent":[],"categories":[],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":"CAL FIRE - Office of the State Fire Marshal","classification":null,"licenseInfo":"The State of California and the Department of Forestry and \nFire Protection make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of data or maps. \nNeither the State nor the Department shall be liable under any circumstances for any direct, special, \nincidental, or consequential damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of,\n or arising from, the use of data or maps.
\nFor more information about this product, date or terms of use, \ncontact