Point of Contact
For questions regarding the form, please contact:
Emmy Harbo
Wildland Fire Data Management Support (Contractor)
E: eharbo@ios.doi.gov
","tags":["Data Management Program","DMP","Wildland Fire National Boundary Layers","Feedback","Survey123"],"snippet":"The Office of Wildland Fire Data Management Program (DMP) oversees the authoritative geospatial reference data collectively known as the Wildland Fire National Boundary Layers (NBL). These layers include: Jurisdictional Units, GACC Boundaries, National Dispatch Boundaries, Dispatch Office Locations, Initial Attack Frequency Zones - US, Initial Attack Frequency Zones - International, and Predictive Service Areas (PSAs). This form allows users to provide feedback on the National Boundary Layers.","thumbnail":"thumbnail/image03.png","documentation":null,"extent":[],"categories":[],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":null,"licenseInfo":"