The data layer contains the following information for each bloom report/survey as submitted by the user (* = required):
\n> * Username of person submitting the survey
\n> * Date of observation
\n>* Bloom location (latitude and longitude)
\n> Public Access. Does the waterbody have public access to any of the following? (Swimming, Boating, Fishing, Water Skiing, Other)
\n> Weather conditions (Clear, Partly Cloudy, Overcast, Rain)
\n> Surface conditions (Calm, Ripples, Choppy, White Caps)
\n>* Bloom size (no bloom present, smaller than a car, between a tennis court and a car, between a tennis court and football field, bigger than a football field)
\n> Comments (if any)
\n> Images of the bloom (three)
\n>* Photo 1 (Areal extent)
\n> Photo 1 comment (if any)
\n>* Photo 2 (10-30 feet away)
\n> Photo 2 comment (if any)
\n>* Photo 3 (close up of < 3 feet away)
\n> Photo 3 comment (if any)
\n> Contact. Would you like to be contacted with results of your observation?
","tags":["water quality","cyanobacteria","water","citizen science","cyanoscope","bloomwatch","cyano toxins","algael blooms","algae","water monitoring"],"snippet":"This survey features cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) bloom reports submitted by users of the bloomWatch app.","thumbnail":"thumbnail/bW_logo.png","documentation":null,"extent":[],"categories":[],"spatialReference":null,"accessInformation":null,"classification":null,"licenseInfo":"These geospatial data and corresponding cartographic materials have been approved for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as advised by the EPA Geospatial Advisory Committee (EGAC). This approved release is on the condition that neither the EPA nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. These data and any corresponding products, services, or materials do not necessarily represent the EPA’s official position or viewpoint, expressed or implied. These content items are not intended for use in establishing liability or calculating cost recovery statutes of limitations. They cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties. Additionally, although these data have been processed successfully on EPA computer systems, no warranty expressed or implied can be made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The Agency reserves the right to revise EPA-stewarded datasets pursuant to further analysis and review without public notice. Unless otherwise specified, geospatial data produced by the EPA is by default in the public domain and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 U.S.C. § 105. Referenced data from non-EPA sources are neither inherently verified nor independently tested by the Agency in all circumstances. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items not produced by the EPA must be secured from the copyright owner. EPA strongly recommends careful attention be paid to metadata files associated with these data to better understand limitations, restrictions or intended use. The U.S. EPA shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data.","culture":"en-us","properties":{"connectVersion":"3.19.104","isVersionLocked":true},"advancedSettings":null,"url":null,"proxyFilter":null,"access":"public","size":9148523,"subInfo":0,"appCategories":[],"industries":[],"languages":[],"largeThumbnail":null,"banner":null,"screenshots":[],"listed":false,"commentsEnabled":true,"numComments":0,"numRatings":0,"avgRating":0,"numViews":1266,"scoreCompleteness":100,"groupDesignations":null,"apiToken1ExpirationDate":-1,"apiToken2ExpirationDate":-1,"lastViewed":1726351200000},"appId":"fed19fffa6c14e888fd9f632b5ddc9e9","portalUrl":"https://www.arcgis.com","ssr":{}}